First SongADAO Member Meetup - Evening NA / Morning Asia



One per month? Two per month?


Round of intros


Jon’s Misc

Raid Guild

They built SADWorld app / auction site

Proposal for PFP Minting

  • as opposed to Nouns NFT is the membership
  • can’t have the NFTs be the membership token for the Colorado Co-Op
  • the PFP is going to be the token
  • Soulbound by Vitalik Soulbound
  • a site, with a button, a randomized PFP
  • hit the button as many times as you want
  • like the Shield project
  • you mint it – not transferred, can’t be moved, can’t be sold
  • put up for a vote, accept their proposal

Fiat bank account

  • see the bank account on a monthly basis
  • permission to let the fiat account pay for the website

Retroactive Pay

  • eg vote to thank people with payment


Patronage Activity

  • eg RT a song

Demo of Orbit

How to get more people involved?

  • Reach out to different projects. Collabs. Memes, etc.

Should there be a minimum bid?

  • maybe a minimum?
  • maybe keep it to give away


  • there should be a minimum price
  • OpenSea “floor”


  • agree with minimum bid
  • it costs $80 - $100 for gas already – don’t start from zero
  • love if we could change it so it doesn’t cost anything to bid


  • agree, to point out that Nouns project, keeps every noun with a 0 in it
  • if it doesn’t sell, then put it in the treasury
  • have an end of year release or do something else


  • tying it in with give aways to Thing a Day challenge TAD
  • need a source of songs for give away
  • monthly cohort of 5 – always need to be available

Code for random sending NFT to treasury for TAD – very random


  • we can give out PFPs for co-op membership, doesn’t need songs??
  • random songs means that we might have a viral hit

Seed Club

Got in!
Have to have a vote?
If anyone wants to come along and participate?
Access to their network
Biggest question mark – they take a 3% of a DAO?
Maybe Jonathan writes songs for the cohort – seed club batch

Collection in the treasury – that participants could
Looking to release – contribute NFTs to this secondary treasury

Boris: Gitcoin project for Brightid / IDChain for others to submit

Help people mint their TAD – maybe the whole 30 days

10 tokens for each episode
Sell in dutch auction – at most $200 / day
No problem to donate one of those each day to the DAO

Mark: Does the co-op have insurance on Jonathan?

  • no, but training an AI!


  • maybe sign a contract with Jens Lenkeman
  • why aren’t you getting paid???

J: eventually I’ll ask for money!

  • bootstrap the DAO
  • maybe ask for sooner

Adam: make a model for other artists


  • working board vs paid people helping J
  • SADWorld app to TAD users? Get funding for it?

J: demo of SADWorld app

  • open source it, Gitcoin project

Song 5000

Broad idea, we have as many as possible
Jens Lenkman!
Snoop Dogg!


@aLANparty says, try the registration app please!
Only works on desktop to completion because of special IDChain – but works GREAT on Rainbow etc with WalletConnect on mobile!
Have to do BrightID verification

TODO: @castall talk to Rainbow people about supporting IDChain??