About the Suggestions category

Share your suggestions for what you’d like the DAO to work on.

Share your ideas, find a team to join you, figure out what else you need. Use the #researchwiki to gather notes and resources.

We’ve also got a #forum-feedback category about this site itself.

So far my big idea for the DAO is to begin using treasury funds to purchase some notable cameos for upcoming songs. This space is very difficult to be seen, heard and related to and celebrities can help in that regard.

My second idea would be to use the funds to hire a production manager to handle Jonathans workload. Am I the only person that thinks raising children, publishing a song a day, starting a DAO and running his own marketing a bit too much for one mann? I get exhausted thinking about this guys days. Lets hire him a professional manager.

When the song being auctioned is basically “I’m spread too thin” we should take notice and provide a little relief. That’s no banger.

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