Hodler Encouragement

This is my attempt to begin a dialogue to spur ideas on how to encourage SongADay sales as well as incentivize hodling. This is in addition to ALL the fantastic benefits that already come with owning a SongADAO NFT.

Throughout a month ( say Jamuary ), folks are buying the daily songs. February 1st comes around and a snapshot is taken. February 2nd SongADAO holds a raffle using something like Chainlinks VRF. To be in this raffle, you must be hodling one of the NFT’s released DURING Jamuary. Whoever wins the raffle gets a custom built guitar built by an up and coming luthier who happens to be a great friend of mine. Built and delivered to an address of your choosing ( I need to edit this in a bit with lead times, I don’t know if he can crank one guitar out a month )

This is the first idea for the Hodler Encouragement series but can be used as a model for other IRL prizes that are won through ownership. ( Thinking we’d have to run this by legal to be 100% but I am confident )


Oh man I LOVE this idea. Any sense of the cost of something like this?


Just got the phone with him. I explained the idea to him as best I could.

He can do somewhere in the neighborhood of $1800-$2000.

If we proceed, for the first round I think it best to keep it simple as far as customizations. We talked about him maybe putting some options together but it’s totally up in the air.

These are 1/1 guitars. The minimum lead time to build one is 12 weeks or more. Ready when it’s ready

International shipping can be a hefty cost.

Here’s his website.


Wow! That’s so cheap! Let’s try to figure out a way to vote on this this week.

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He’s a great friend of mine and a crypto native so he thinks the idea is super cool.

Also the more customization, the higher the cost. For him at that price, it’d be pretty basic options.

Moving forward, he can make some really NICE pieces that may really garner a lot of attention, but for a bigger cost.

Plus again, sending internationally, we’d have to consider that cost. Packaging, Customs agents, shipping times, all the things.


oh boy this would be awesome. I built a custom tele last year (kit) and it was wild. not something i’d like to do as a job but it gave me respect for those that do.

would totally dig something like this!