Proposal to Edit and Clean Up NFT Traits

I’ve written up this simple proposal to begin the process of cleaning up errors and inaccuracies in the Song-a-Day NFT traits. In today’s meeting on the Discord we discussed waiting on this as an actual voting proposal until we have emoji consensus set up since it’s very low cost, but I wanted to put it here for discussion and visibility until then!

This thread would be a great place to discuss new traits, or to ask questions about this project.

Proposal to personally review and edit all of the traits in the Song-a-DAO NFTs for error correction and clarity, as well as adding new traits that we think will be useful for Song-a-Dex among other things. The intent is to assure that people buying Song-a-Day NFTs for their potential rarity are not accidentally misled.


  • Fix errors (typos, improperly comma separated values, missing instruments and details, incorrectly applied information, and more)
  • Clarify musical information like keys and tempos, as well as create graduated tempo ranges that can be used with Song-a-Dex more effectively than specific tempos
  • Add detailed information on things like Jonathan’s clothing that Jonathan and the DAO feel would add value to the NFT collection

Jonathan and I have discussed doing this work in phases. For now I propose completing the following two phases, and then assessing the possible costs going forward based on the actual time and cost:

Phase 1

Review the list of all traits for errors and repair them - mostly typos and improperly comma separated trait names. Combine redundant traits. I may want to bring some things to a DAO meeting for discussion before taking action on them (for example: Improv/Improvised/Improvisation)

I liberally estimate this will take 4 hours.

Phase 2

Review all songs in order, completing the following tasks for each:

  • Check musical traits for accuracy and fix if necessary (tempo, key, instruments)
  • Add tempo range trait and time signature/feel trait
  • Check descriptive traits for accuracy and fix if necessary
  • Add new descriptive traits (clothing)

Based on Jonathan’s estimate of 1 hour spent originally entering the data for each month of Song-a-Day, I think the time commitment will be similar, although it may vary wildly from month to month. I propose to complete Phase 2 for a year of Song-a-Day and then assess additional years based on the actual time required.

4hrs for Phase 1

12hrs for Phase 2 year 1

16hrs at $50/hr - $800

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