Shall We Stake Song A Days That Don't Sell In The NFTX Vault?

I want to do a temperature check poll on this subject. It seems like, for whatever reason, sometimes the daily song DOESN’T? sell. Should we put these songs into the vault and stake them??

The more songs we stake, the higher the yield.
Screen Shot 2022-02-14 at 8.10.59 PM
It’s been just a few days and we’ve earned .2 eth with the songs we have in there.

One question about this would be that we don’t know exactly how we’re going to distribute Song A Days to people who complete the Thing A Day challenge.

  • Yes, put unsold songs in the vault
  • No, don’t put them in the vault

0 voters


Can we give them $Song so they can pick out the one they want from NTFX?


Yeah this might be a good way to do it, 1.06 $SONG is enough for picking a song from the vault.


I like the idea of it going in the vault, because if it is a rare one, then it can still be bought by people who missed the auction anyway right?

Q; When we put it in the vault, do we need to put Eth from the treasury in the vault too?

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If the treasury sells that NFT to the vault then no, if staking then yes.

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Only if the DAO ‘Liquidity Provides’ the NFT, i.e., pairs it with ETH.

My thinking would be the DAO would simply ‘Inventory Provide’ any unsold NFTs (add the NFT only, no ETH). These still earn yield (20% of the fees made), but don’t require any ETH.

cc @Misterplus @jonathanmann

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I voted yes and support the idea of giving TAD Grads some $SONG. It’s nice that they could pick from a selection of songs to find something they like!

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