Song-a-Day “Mint the Merge” page

Song-a-Day “Mint the Merge” page


Design Time: 6 hours

Coding Time: 10 hours

Rate: $70 per hour

Total: $1,120 paid in ETH or USDC

Scope of Work

Mint Interface

  • A page will be created at that will be based upon the demo site at
  • The page design will use a selection of artwork from the Song-a-Day NFT assets and be stylistically inline with the rest of the site.
  • The page will allow the user to mint an unlimited number of NFTs from the contract.
  • Price will start at .05875 eth per token.
  • Price after the merge will be based on the block the merge occurred in.
  • Current price will be pulled from the contract so the website won’t need to be altered when the price changes.
  • NFT will be on mainnet.